Ahhh, the Queen City! Weiler here, gonna keep on with the Weiler show while my brother and sister still love me, think I'm a cool new addition to our family, and haven't started torturing me yet. And while they are still willing to share the blog with me. Thanks, guys.
So, I'm the first Kappel kid to be born in this grand city. So, we gotta see the sights.
Fountain square...
And they LOVE me! Here I am, merely checking things out, but I can't be alone. Nope, Reed and Hayes keep close tabs on my every movement. Which isn't much.
First out of home stop-where else? Skyline...
And my first babysitter-Big Mama. Mom and Aunt Biz went to a bar! I'm not even ten days old, friends! Don't worry, they weren't gone too long, but still... I guess I AM the third child...
The dancing light show! I loved it all from the sling on my mom's chest. And I love when she swayed with the music. She doesn't quite have the dance moves of Eden and Reeder...
When Bizzy comes to town be prepared for FUN! Gingerbread cookie time. I sat in the other room, nursing my mother. Yeah, that's about as wild as I get.
But I could hear all the laughing and carrying on. Reeder, ever the perfectionist with the cookie cutters...
And Hayes loves to hold me, and he holds me for quite a long time. He's pretty comfy, and secure, so I like it, too.