Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthday, well, the beginning anyway

Reeder at the controls tonight.

Well, my birthday games have begun. And I call them that because Aunt Shannon compared them to the Olympics. Yeah, they last about that long. Well, we have to begin somewhere...

Two nights before the big day, Big Mama and I spent hours, literally, making THE perfect cupcakes to take to school. Hey summer birthdays, aren't you so totally jealous that I get a birthday while in school? Mom says she always wished she could've taken treats to school. Voila! January is good for something!

Labor intensive...and intense!

Pink icing, of course. We also made purple. And, as if there was any other shape cupcake, they are hearts. With appropriately matched pink and purple and white and red hearts and sprinkles.
The only problem with my fantastic day? White death. Yup, that's what they call snow around here. So I didnt get to go to school on my birthday afterall...or the next day. So, we partied at home and got ready for the next event.
Manis and Pedis.
Julia and I HAD to get ready for the big week of parties...So, the day before the big day we pampered and prepared.

And of course did it all in style.

And maybe just a touch of fanfare. Heart shaped sandwiches, afterall, taste WAY better than regular jelly sandwiches (skip the pb here).

It took Princess Julia a bit of warming up. She clenched Aunt NikNik for a while. But, as we all do, she realized the amazingness (yes, that's a word) of the experience and quickly relaxed. In fact, we'll be back next month in preparation for her games.

The clenching....

The finished product... This is where I know my Dad is going to make some comment how my feet look like my mom (and the flintstone's-whoever they are).

Oh, and we of course invite all friends-welcome Aunt Kari, the baby unwhisperer. And Weiler is lucky enough to come to all birthday events, even the girls' only stuff.

Ahhh, gotta let 'em dry. We don't want to chip at preschool.

And then...THE PARTY! And what a party it was. These are all my friends from school. Pretty rad, don't you think?

Check out the cake! And the tiara. And the dress. And the balloon.

I was a touch specific as to which piece I wanted. And Grama Max always aims to please! Delicious!

The crew getting ready for the pinata. The safety police had a line we had to stay behind. Don't worry, we still managed one good unexpected wack in the head. Cole recovered, we continued. Oh, check the little guy in the back. That's my bro, Hayesy, he doesnt get much ink in this post.

And what did you think the pinata would look like? Oh, and it was playoff Sunday.


Please dont worry, I still have one more birthday party up my sleeve. Closing ceremonies will be in Chicago next weekend.

Rockin round the Nasty

Your author tonight, Weiler.

I'm exhausted just thinking about the pressure of a blog entry...

There's my main man, my big bro, at a monster truck show. Yeah, i was there, too, but it was all for Big Time. He LOVED it. He loves monster trucks more than, well, Reeder loves Barbies or I love...hmmm...I really just kinda love my mom so I don't have a good analogy for that one.

Told ya she loved Barbie. And piano. The girl is getting pretty darn good, too. I love it best to sit on Mom's lap and listen to the girl bang out a tune. I'm her number 1 fan. She likes me being her number 1, too. She always gives me a kiss when she finishes playing a tune.

Ahhh, ole gray beard. This pic is mostly for our Daddy-o. See Dad, we give her attention. No, Poncho has never liked wearing people clothes but it still makes us laugh. Or so I've been told. And no, it wasn't her birthday, that was back in December. We forgot to celebrate. Happy belated gray beard! Oh, and Lefty LOVES the camera. Can't get the girls away. Those are her whiskers bottom right.

I'm just so full. Two months old, clean plate club. Wow. Ya'll never told me eating was so tiring.

Ha! Gotcha! I was kidding! You think I eat people food? No, Grampa cleaned his plate. I was just so bored I figured I'd get some shut eye. No, only kidding. I was pretty comfy, especially after spitting up on Grampa's shoulder (look closely), then I got real comfortable and took a good snooze.

We got a bit concerned that Mom was spending too much money on recreational activities (she joined a gym, which is not possible in 29, and a tennis club, another impossibility in 29) so we sought out a local bank manager for some help.
That's Aunt Erin, and she told us that our outlook is bleak. Guess we better aim for a scholarship.

And those gabbin' hens took me out on girls' night. Raise your hand if you think I wanted to go? Please. Now, that was so boring I faked sleep until Mom finally took me home. Pretty good at pretending, don't you think?

And here I am, blogging for you all. I hope you enjoyed. Gosh, it's tiring. (Are you catching a pattern in my life?)