Weiler here to walk you through some more of our Cincinnati tourism.
The duck boats. Hilarious. And wonderfully fun.
And they give you your own duck quackier. Which we still have. Mom was very happy that they gave us each one. She really likes toys that make us louder.
The next couple are the actual moment when we are driving from land into the glorious Ohio river. Now, most of you know that my brother and sister are very different people. I think the next two pics show it all. From the color of their hair to the looks on their faces, those two are complete opposites.
And our beautiful queen city as seen from the Ohio.
Safely back on land, we get a little tour of downtown Cincinnati, all the while quacking at anyone we pass by.
This is Reeder getting ready for her district swim meet. She and Mom got to the pool super early, got set up, then Reeder got a pep talk from Dad. The girl is awesome. She earned ten ribbons this year, and a medal. Good job Reederbaby!
I love having older siblings. I follow them everywhere. I love to try and do what they do. Sometimes I act like I'm 6, other times like I'm 4. This day, I'm following Hayes around on a hike. It makes Mom nervous when I copy Hayes.
This is Crazy Hayesy. Hayes saw the zip line and went immediately to it. No questions asked. No hesitation. Hook 'em up.
There's the tower...
And after he did it Reeder felt that is was safe enough for her to give it a try. Mom has video of all this craziness, but I didn't upload it. You'll just have to imagine how crazy this all seems.
Oh, and we're also really good at babysitting. This is Wes. His mom went to the Bengals game, left him in our care. I think we did a really good job. OK, I so I went to bed before he even arrived, but Reeder and Hayes bathed him and fed him and sang to him.
Weiner dog races! Woot woot! What 1.5 year old doesn't love dogs? And have you met my grandparents? Who doesn't love a good track? Well, we couldn't bet on the races but we sure had a good time.
Mom is always commenting on how long Reeder's legs are. I thought I'd share this pic for you. I don't think my legs are going to be quite like that but you never know. I think I'm built more like a Hoobler.
Check out the track! The dogs had to go ALL the way to those orange cones!
And Papa during all this....
And every so often all the nuns come over and we just HAVE to entertain them. Reeder choreographed, the three of us practiced, then came time for the big show!
Man, going back on all these pictures make me realize what an incredible summer we've had. As if all of that isn't enough, we also went out for some glider time. These planes don't have engines! Amazing. That's Kari's mom and step-dad who fly these things, we spent a couple hours drooling. Or I did anyway. I love planes. We're in the golf cart watching their friend put together his glider.
I couldn't get enough. I'm looking at a landing here. Amazing.
Get it? MK? That's moms' plane :)
Thanks Ms. Ronnie!!! We had an awesome time and can't wait to be old enough to get in the cock pit!!
Then Reeder left us. She went with Big Mama and Papa to Boulder, time for some boy bonding time with our mother. It almost looks like Reeder and Hayes are going to miss each other. Almost.
Hayesy went to art camp. You do the math. That means that for the first time in my life I was alone with my mother. It was pretty amazing. We snuggled. We napped. We bonded.
Here is Hayes' most prized possession-a dragon. Or dinosaur.
And he did it alongside his twin, I mean cousin, Kate.
And we had a nice date night with just mom at Zips. We love Zips. And they love us there too. Hayes may have flirted his way behind the bar to hit the bell for the train that constantly drives along the ceiling. I must admit, that was pretty cool.
Well, folks, that's it for tonight. I'm gonna go climb in my bed. But, I already did the legwork and uploaded a bunch of pics, my sis and bro will have to type more tomorrow.